Don’t let bad breath hold you back! Bad breath has many causes, ranging from the foods we eat to serious dental problems. In order to determine your causes and personalized treatment plan, schedule a consultation with our highly skilled team at Laser Dentistry of New Jersey.
What Are the Causes of Bad Breath?
Bad breath has many causes. One of the main causes is strong smelling foods – the biggest culprits being garlic and onions. Though brushing your teeth, chewing gum, or using breath mints after eating such foods can help mask odors, they will not completely eliminate the smell. Bad breath will persist as long as the malodorous food is in your system. Bad breath caused by food can be reduced by avoiding strong smelling foods and drinks. Avoid eating and drinking such things as:
- Onions
- Garlic
- Corn chips
- Coffee
- Alcohol
Foods are not the only causes of bad breath. Sometimes bad breath is a sign of a more serious dental issue. Bad breath is often a big indication of gum disease. Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is an infection of the gums, which, if left untreated, can lead to tooth loss.
Other possible causes of bad breath include:
- Dry mouth, which is a result of low saliva production
- Smoking
- Acid reflux
- Diabetes
- Infections of the mouth
- Respiratory tract infections
Tips to Prevent and Treat Bad Breath
Treating bad breath begins with determining the cause. Because bad breath can be a sign of something more serious, it is important to undergo a thorough dental examination to determine your actual causes and personalized treatment plan. In the meantime, here are some tips that to help prevent and treat bad breath.
- Always brush and floss: It is important to brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss at least once a day. Practicing proper oral hygiene helps prevent gum disease and reduces the build up of food particles.
- Limit or avoid bad smelling foods and drinks: Skip the garlic and onions, and drink tea instead of coffee, since odorous foods can last long after you’ve enjoyed them.
- Quit smoking: Smoking can leave a lingering odor not only in your hair and clothes but also on your breath.
- Chew sugar-free gum after meals: Not only does chewing mint gum help hide unpleasant odors, it helps encourage saliva production. Saliva is helpful in reducing bad breath as it helps wash away food and bacteria from the mouth.
- Drink water: Drinking water can help reduce bad breath. Like saliva, water helps wash away bacteria and food particles.
- See your dentist regularly: Regular dental check-ups are vital to good oral health and healthy mouths are generally free of bad breath.
Schedule an Appointment Today!
You don’t have to live with bad breath. Treating bad breath begins with treating the source. Schedule an appointment at the restorative dentistry practice of Dr. Richard Bucher today for your personalized treatment plan.